My patho exam was scheduled at 9:00AM that same day. I was planning not to sleep because my school/hospital is at least an 1 1/2 hour drive but I was too sleepy I woke up at 8:30 AM . I was SUPER in panic mode haha left home at 9AM.. It was a Saturday morning but traffic is getting worse in the South Luzon expressway.. Good thing my friend texted me that the exam wasn't starting yet... Exams started at 10:30 I arrived at 10:45 pwhheeeew!!
I'm wearing my new favorite top-- the bleached tank! I tied the ends in the middle and made it a cropped top. The draped skirt is from SM department store.. (Oh yes, they sell draped satin skirts there now!!) The shoes I got from DSW bargain basement it was originally priced at $99.99 but was reduced to $29.99!! The heels are so high it is taller than my iphone!
Can I make kwento? (Can I tell you a little story?)
I am super pissed off with the traffic situation in the South (C5 going to Bicutan area).. For the past 2 days I have been stuck in SUPER HEAVY traffic while going home.. Proof that the traffic is really bad:
1. when you see vendors selling all kinds of food and other stuff in an otherwise deadly highway.. Last Friday, there were 3 vendors then when I was going home again on Saturday there were already 8-10 vendors!
2. I actually studied inside the car. Not just browse ha, as in complete with highlighters and side notes! We were not moving..
3. I can actually take a picture of both of my feet! That is my school shoes BTW.. It has tulle pompoms!=)