I love how this outfit looks "CHOPPED CHOPPED" with all the layers.

Blazer: The Black Shop; Topshop pants; Landmark dress; SM dept store shoes; My DIY chain necklace How was your Christmas? Hope it was fun and memorable. I was too busy cooking (only cooked spaghetti =P) and munching on Christmas eve that taking outfit pics escaped my mind so I don't have decent pics of my Christmas eve outfit. Just posting stuff from a few days before. =) This was after last minute christmas shopping and dinner with the family..
Today was spent in BF's house. We ate a lot like, every 2 hours, watched DVDs and played with our dog Stella. Just realized that it's also fun not to think of outfit pics and blogging and just enjoy.=P But now that I'm in front of my laptop again I must say I miss blogging, can't wait to catch up on everyone's blogs..=)